About Anna Orth

An America-First Conservative.

Anna has a proven record of standing up for election integrity, advocating for our Constitutional rights and freedoms and getting real results.

Anna is ready to bring the same skills and experience that have made her successful in the private sector to the Arizona Legislature.

Democrats are targeting our district - Lets defend this seat together!


Democrats are targeting our district - Lets defend this seat together! 〰️

Please help me keep Arizona Red!

HELP ME WIN, For you, for LD17, for Arizona

“Newest LD17 House pick: Anna Orth.

“I am running to keep our conservative majority in the Arizona House of Representatives strong and secure. We know Democrats have targeted our district and I was asked to run to ensure that Republicans win this November.  The best part is I won’t just talk like a conservative, I’ll actually deliver conservative results that benefit our district and state.  I invite you to be part of this great campaign team!”

- Anna Orth

Born and raised in Tucson.

As an Arizona native, and 4th generation Tucsonan, Anna has a vested interest in her community. For generations, her family has lived and honored Arizona conservative values as well as experienced the results of both good and bad legislation.

Anna is a graduate of both the University of Arizona and Grand Canyon University with a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology.

She and her husband Steve have three grown children, born and raised in Oro Valley. Anna has worked and volunteered in her community her whole life and she knows how to listen to the voters of this district.


Dedicated to Representing Arizona.

As a lifelong registered Republican, Anna has been voting for, supporting, and volunteering for conservative causes and candidates for decades.  She has held a variety of positions within the party and steadfastly supported our party’s platform and values.

Anna is especially focused on issues that affect Arizona more than most states, like finishing the border wall and ending illegal immigration, securing our elections, ensuring a long-term water supply, and protecting our best-in-class school choice environment that gives the best possible choices to our kids and their parents.

Small Business Leadership.

As a small business owner, Anna knows the need for a strong economy that supports growth and employment opportunities for Arizonans. She knows the value of balancing a budget, creating workplace solutions in team environments and how to work with all stakeholders for a winning solution. Anna brings to the Legislature years of experience in business, marketing and entrepreneurship, including her particularly helpful skills as an Organizational Behavior Consultant.

Thanks to her professional experience, Anna is expected to be a leader at the Legislature when it comes to issues related to jobs, the economy, fighting inflation, and keeping Arizona growing.